DigiWhat.io offers an innovative, AI-supported SaaS solution to create an enterprise case study platform for compelling marketing and sales content marketing that boosts revenue.

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The DigiWhat Tool is an AI-powered B2B SaaS platform that automates the case study creation workflow. It helps marketing experts and revenue orientated sales leaders to create engaging campaigns and shorten sales cycles by building credibility. 

With the DigiWhat platform businesses generate more leads, shorten sales cycles and reduce marketing costs.
let´s show you the tool

Up to 70% faster

No worries about resources! Turn every project into a case study.

Boost effectiveness

Conduct interviews with clients and set communiaction focus - 
don´t waste time on unproductive tasks

Increase revenue

Foster lead quality in attention phase and  shorten sales cycles by showcasing your expertise

You want exclusive and high individual customization of the tool?  We introduce DigiWhat Fitting Service – An optional dedicated implementation service  that embodies the committment to offer individual service to create uniqueness and magnitism for your case studies - ready to scale.

Each project is unique and carries with it a story of human excellence and contribution to the future.

get free sparring with an expert


Adjusting and altering your case studies so that it fits your strategic goals perfectly.


Streamlining the process will make your life easier and encourage clients and colleagues to embrace doing case studies.

Optimize campain outcome

With sales stage specific content that creates trust immediately

Tool Features like individual content collection, AI supported feedback aggregation and instant CI customized outputs

Content enquiry

An interview questionnaire is used to determine the content of the final contribution. In addition to free text fields, many intelligent mechanisms help to get good and directly processable answers from a wide range of participants. As smart alternative easily paste a trancript of your interview call in the tool.

Draft editing

Add the finishing touches in the design view. The layout automatically adapts to any content customized on your CI. Choose between different output formats such as web, ppt, social media visuals, pdf, ...

Approval and Publishing

You can send your final drafts for
approval via DigiWhat. The tool
provides you with a complete
approval history, saving the
comments or approvals in the system.
Based on your customized settings,
the report is automatically published
or can be downloaded.

Happy to answer your questions or show you around!
email us

info@digiwhat.de   +49 30 45089047

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